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Women Health - No Need to Fear Breast Cancer Biopsy, Do not Delay!

There are many ways that can be used to detect a tumor or cancer, one of them by using a biopsy. Unfortunately, this examination is much misunderstood by the patient, for example they are afraid of biopsy for fear of cancer will get worse. This fear also occurs in many cases of breast cancer that occurs in many women.

It is 100 percent wrong, as presented by the oncologist surgeon from Dharmais Cancer Hospital, dr. Bob Andinata, SpB (K) Onk. He explained the purpose of a biopsy is actually to determine the treatment to be used after the tumor properties are known.

If the results of a proven biopsy examination is a malignant tumor or cancer, then the patient can immediately perform advanced treatment as quickly as possible, such as chemotherapy.

"Well, after a biopsy, a lot of patients are 'denial' with the results, which should be back two weeks later for treatment, not even coming. (They) looking for alternatives, or deliberations with too long or afraid families," he said. . Bob on Breast Cancer Increase Increasingly Increased by Roche in Jakarta.

Doctor Bob also explains the many cases that occur when the patient gets worse, they just return to the hospital. It is this problem that gives the stigma that biopsy makes their condition worse.

"They thought it was a biopsy that made the cancer progressively growing, even though it was too late to take him to the hospital, even after the biopsy, a new one returns to the hospital a year later," he said.

Supposedly, the earlier the examination and treatment, the life expectancy of patients with breast cancer will be higher. For stage 0-1, life expectancy can even reach 100 percent.

Then for stage 2, it is 80-90 percent, while stage 3 is 40-50 percent, and advanced stage or stage 4 is only 20 percent.

Dr. Bob recommends that women, who feel they have lumps without pain and pain, need not be afraid to go to a hospital or do a biopsy. Not all lumps that appear in the breast is a malignant tumor or cancer. The faster known cause of the lump, the faster the handling will be obtained.

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