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Benefits of Sea Salt for Natural Beauty, from Face to Feet

Sea ​​Salt is a type of salt obtained from the natural process of evaporation of sea water or salt water lake. This salt is said to have a more complete natural nutrition and a more delicious flavor compared with the type of salt kitchen. Besides often used as a flavoring food, sea salt was efficacious to care for female beauty, you know. What are the benefits?

Being a Natural Exfoliator
The texture of sea salt can be used as a scrub to exfoliate dead skin on the skin. Not only able to remove dead skin cells, minerals contained in this natural ingredients can also make the skin feel smoother and softer. Create natural scrubs by using sea salt the easy way. you just need to mix a few drops of scented essential oil on a container that has sea salt, then stir it until evenly distributed. After that, gently rub the entire body part up to a very clean and smooth skin optimally.

Controlling Oil Production
In addition to being used as a body scrub, sea salt can also be used to treat facial skin. Inside there is a good potassium and sulfur content for the production of excess sebum that can follow acne prone skin. In addition to rub it directly into the face, you can also mix the sea salt into a container of warm air. Uapi face with this water for about 10 minutes, then rinse using clean water.

Skin Detoxification
Sea salt is believed to be able to restore the skin's natural moisture and remove the bacteria that close the pores. If you want to try treatment by using sea salt at home, you can do it by mixing a cup of sea salt into a bathub that has contained warm water. Warm bath water that has been mixed sea salt is believed to help the process of skin detoxification and reduce swelling in the body. In addition, sea salt can also treat skin problems, such as psoriasis or inflammation of the skin.

Stretching Tense Muscles
In addition to skin detoxification, a mixture of sea salt in warm water bath can also overcome the fatigue and stiffness in the muscles of the body. Mineral and magnesium content found in sea salt works to relax the muscles and stimulate the mind to be more relaxed.

Overcoming Nail Fungus
Your nails are easily broken and yellow? Just overcome by using sea salt. This multifunctional natural ingredient has plenty of good mineral content to treat all nail problems. If interested in doing so, you only need to provide a container of warm water, two tablespoons of sea salt, and a few drops of lemon water. Combine all ingredients, then soak your fingernails and feet while being gently rubbed. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry with a clean towel.
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