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Women Health - 4 Simple Habits to Prevent Breast Cancer

Because of bad habits or lifestyle that is not directed, our body can be vulnerable to dangerous diseases. One of them is breast cancer. Hearing the word cancer alone has made me shudder, let alone breast cancer is indeed the most frightening specter for women.

There are additional simple habits that we can do to save breast cancer. This habit can be the first step to avoid the disease that most often haunts women. Here are 4 simple habits that we can do to save breast cancer. Let's take a look at this!

Walk Minimal 30 Minutes
Although walking seems simple but a lot of research proved this sport can help prevent us from the risk of breast cancer and other diseases. Spend at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week to walk so that the body can stay fit and healthy.

Enough Nutritional and Nutritional Needs from Natural Food
It's time to be more concerned with the diet. Reduce consumption of instant foods or processed foods. Enough nutritional and nutritional needs from natural foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables. Also reduce the consumption of burnt food. Protect yourself from pollution and cigarette smoke. Breast cancer starts from an unhealthy lifestyle. Drink water, consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain anti-oxidants to help remove pollutants from our bodies.

More Thorough About Choosing and Using Bra
Try to always carefully choose a bra. Starting from the size, materials, comfort and cleanliness. Do not forget to take off the bra while you are sleeping or the times are felt. Because removing the bra at an unnecessary time can be an alternative.

Get Enough Sleep and Quality
Want to be healthier? Get enough sleep. People who lack sleep or even insomnia can be at high risk of breast cancer. Sleeping enough can help us regenerate damaged cells, multiply good cells and detoxify the body. The body can stay healthy and the immune system is stronger as well.

That's 4 simple habits that can be done as a first step in the prevention of breast cancer. Let's get more routine and diligent again apply a healthy lifestyle everyday. Hopefully his info useful.
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