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Women Health - Breast Cancer Come Suddenly Avoid and Prevent Using Healthy Food

Facts about breast cancer can not be underestimated. One in ten women in the world detected breast cancer. In addition breast cancer is also the leading cause of death in the world. This fact certainly makes you have to be more alert. Maintaining a diet is one way to reduce the risk of cancer.

Here are foods that can help reduce breast cancer. Let's begin!

Turmeric contains antioxidants that are good for the health of the body. Turmeric also contains curcumin which can help reduce the risk of cancer. You can eat turmeric directly can be a drink. The fresh taste you will like.

Salmon is rich in omega 3 and high in antioxidants. Routine eating salmon is good for health. Not only that the content of Vitamin B12 and D in salmon helps you to reduce the chances of breast cancer. You can consume salmon by burning or steaming. For good results, consume 3 ounces of salmon twice a week.

If you like to eat tomatoes, then this is good news for you. A study explains regularly eating tomatoes good for health. Nutritional content is good to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Onions are not only suitable to use cooking spices. Onions are also rich in good nutrition to improve the body. Routine consumption of onions can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Allow for 15 minutes in free-onion-free air, this helps release important nutrients on the onion.

Spinach is not only a favorite vegetable of Popeye but also very good for health. Routine consumption of spinach can reduce the risk of breast cancer. You can use spinach as a juice and salad.

Prevent Breast Cancer With Cabbage Consumption
Breast cancer is one of the deadliest diseases that is very dangerous for women. Breast cancer is triggered by the amount of free iron substances, carcinogenic substances, and also unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore a healthy lifestyle so things can be done to avoid this disease.

One of the cancer prevention steps is to maintain a healthy diet. It starts with healthy foods and can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Well, one vegetable that is proven to save breast cancer is a family of cabbage such as broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, bok choy.

This vegetable contains a chemical called sulforaphaneengan one kind of compound that can prevent from the danger of cancer including breast cancer. From the results of research conducted, sulforaphane proved able to kill cancer cells and does not affect normal cells.

What needs to be considered to get the maximum benefit from this vegetable is do not cook cabbage too ripe. Do not forget to wash cabbage and other vegetables from the dirt. Let's eat cabbage and vegetables rich in sulforaphane as much as possible.

So important foods that can help you to reduce the chances of cancer and foods that are recommended to mencegan breast cancer. good luck
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