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5 Heart Risk Symptoms You Should Know & Be Careful

We all certainly know heart disease or stroke is the most deadly disease in the world. More horrified, the disease often attacks without symptoms. Heart disease itself is still the most killing disease in the world. Bad lifestyle, obesity and health are common causes of illness.

There is no powerful drug to treat this disease. But do not worry women, by applying a healthy lifestyle, applying a healthy diet, adequate rest, maintain weight and exercise enough every day, this is believed to reduce heart risk. Recognizing heart symptoms and changing lifestyle to be healthier can also be used to lower the risk of heart attack.

Quoted from the page, as for some important heart symptoms we know and be aware of some things. These include:

Easily Exhausted Body. This is an early symptom of heart risk. Muscle narrowing, lack of fluid circulation of blood and air in the body makes the body so easily tired, weak and helpless. Tiredness that accompanied the emergence of bruises in the body without a reason staying digadang as the most major heart symptoms.

A cold sweat. The next symptom of heart risk is the appearance of cold sweat in the body. Usually, this sweat will increasingly appear in the palm of the hand. The body feels more damp, cold and limp.
Dizzy. Never underestimate the problem of headache or just easy to drowsy. Could be, this is a symptom of heart risk. Dizziness can occur because the flow of blood in the body to the brain is less smooth due to the lack of maximum performance of heart health.

Chest pain. Ever felt a very annoying and painful chest pain? If so, try to be alert and cautious. This can be a symptom of heart risk as well as other serious diseases. Not only pain in the chest, this is also accompanied by pain in the wrist area, shoulders, back and shortness of breath.

Nausea & Digestive Disorders. Digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting can be a symptom of various serious diseases one heart. Not only that, digestive disorders can also be a symptom of cancer risk, kidney, stroke to impaired liver function.

Those are some of the symptoms of cardiovascular risk that are important to know and watch out for. In order to always avoid the risk of heart and other deadly diseases, try to always have a healthy lifestyle, exercise enough, enough rest and avoid smoking and drinking.
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