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Women Health - 6 Ways to Detect Breast Cancer Can Be Done Alone at Home

For Women Health, the early arrival so that it can be done anytime and can be done alone at home. What women need to know is what they want to do and what needs to be done like breast cancer.
As the National Cancer Institute explains, breast self-examination or early detection of the breast can be done in the following way.

1. Check periodically
If you are pre-menopausal, what you can do is the right time for every menstrual period, when the hormones are relatively stable and more tender. If you are already menopausal, choose one day a month to perform 'clarity' tests and repeat any union once.

2. Hand at waist
In the bathroom, stand with both hands hands on your hips. Look at both of your breasts. Whether your breasts look healthy or not by looking at the size, shape, color and contour of your breasts. Is there anything strange or different from the ordinary that you see and feel.

3. Hand overhead
The next test, replace both hands above the head, whether the change pose installudaramu changed. There are like each other, check the size, shape and how to stack, whether symmetrical. See also part of the areola (black matter of breast) whether the color is evenly and the same. There was a lump or swelling in the missing part.

4. Touch the breast and armpit
Next, feel and feel by hand. Give a massage or groping from the outside of the breast, armpit area to the inside of the breast. Make sure you check all parts of the breast. It would be better if done during bath or body wet because the skin is more easily felt.

5. Check the health of the nipple
Still in the breast area, lower the arm slightly. Using the index finger and middle finger, gently push or massage the nipple. Whether when drawn, the nipple will return to the original, whether the pain when drawn and what kind of color. Is there any fluid that comes out when you squeeze and whether the fluid is normal.

6. Fingered on your back
The way you can do is to lie on the bed and touch the breast. Use your hands to keep a lump, bulge or swelling in your breast like you were standing. Because with his back, breasts can be widened and easily removed.

That's the way you can be alone at home. For a more accurate test, of course by doing a mammogram every season once. Because of age, the greater the possibility of breast cancer attack, especially if the lifestyle is not healthy.

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